Tuesday, August 20, 2013


The Chinese authorities eventually agreed to pay an indemnity of $25, 000 to the United States. Perhaps in exchange the United States is agreeing to hold them harmless or at least to minimize the damage to international relations that might have been caused by Coltman's alleged illegal activities, whatever that was, or something like that mabye. I don't know very much about that. I only learned about this now.

But, like, why would I personally need an indemnity when I never shot anyone? I cannot imagine such a thing. In fact, I do not recall saying whether I am for or against guns although someone out is clamoring to know. I personally do not own a gun but that does not mean that I would want to move to the Soviet Union where only the army has guns. The right to bear arms is written right into the U.S. Constitution so the principle must have been important to the Founding Fathers for some practical purpose having to do with, probably, self-defense and also perhaps the mustering of an army for the Revolutionary War. Perhaps we would still be a colony of Great Britain if it weren't for arms.