Thursday, August 22, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Years ago while I was living in California, one of my co-workers at Lockman Foundation was Gene Napier who was finishing a degree in pscyhology at the nearby university, Cal State Fullerton. Gene left when he finished his degree and moved north to Lodi. Interestingly, when I was leaving California I spent a few days visiting my relatives up north at the Delta where they were staying. I went with Richard to a grocery store on the outskirts of Lodi and lo and behold there in the parking lot was Gene Napier and his wife who were out shopping and so Richard met Gene.

Hmmm... Or did Richard and Gene already know each other and was the parking lot encounter pre-arranged? I don't know. I had not thought to ask such an awkward question. Was there more to it than just a chance encounter in a parking lot? When does that ever happen? I cannot imagine why that would be planed? Was there something else Gene was expecting me to say? And why would I ask myself all these impossible questions when I have other things on my mind. Gene was never that important to me.

Interestingly, I recall that college classmate Dennis Buchmiller also was from Lodi.

Interestingly, I recall meeting Trina Tinker at the high school reunion mentioning that her boyfriend, Peter Chen, is from Lodi.

So that is a lot of Lodi hotheads whose names I barely remember, who mean almost nothing to me, and who I believe should not be given an inside track on my personal life to yank me around on a chain when I did nothing in the first place except maybe talk too much to people who did nothing but prove themselves unworthy of my trust.