Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Which Reminds Me

As a matter of fact, come to think of it, the only time I ever darkened the door of a Unitarian Church was while I was working for a newspaper in Boca Raton and my editor, Steve Ricci, asked me to cover a motivational lecture that was held in the local Unitarian Church building. So I did what I was assigned by Steve to do, covered the lecture, turned in the story and then never went back there because obviously I personally am not a Unitarian. In a million years I would never take religious instruction from Steve, who is, needless to say, not qualified to instruct on these matters. Steve might have something of a complex trying to throw his weight around to compensate for not having much to go on, but dropping down to a lower level of ignorance would only handicap myself ultimately. Anyway, I no longer work for Steve, who I noticed now lives up north somewhere.