Monday, August 5, 2013

Which Reminds Me

Someone was ranting about the early Pentecostal magazines with one-word names like "Trust" and "Confidence" that were popular in the early 1900s, not that I had ever heard of said magazines at the time. Perhaps they were reminded of modernist journals with one-word names "Blast" "Owl" "Others" etc., not that a Christian girl like me would even be aware of such scandalous and decadent reading material. And what sort of Christian man would be stashing copies of "Rolling Stone" magazine under the back seat of his Datsun 280Z where a passenger in the front seat might not tice? What Christian girl would even think of opening the first page of such a jaded and worldly publication? If we are Christians we ought to be countering the darkness with light, not just absorbing more darkness that way.