Monday, August 26, 2013

Which Reminds Me

In the minds of presuppositionalists, blondes often imagine that only they alone are attractive to men and can be sure of their future lineage upon the earth. Redheads, being recessive and not so genetically dominant, cannot be sure of future procreation because men would likely pick a blonde and/or brunette over a redhead. Thus, we often see this phenomenon of Dutch blondes and Dutch brunettes sneering at redheads. This phenomenon was prominently seen on our family tree where my uncle's wife Linda, being some type of Dutch person, although not blonde, often looked askance at the rest of the family so productive of redheads and was sometimes rude and sneering at us. We know nothing of Linda's family nor do we care to learn more about those nasty Dutch dogs. Clearly the Dutch can pay their own way and thus will not be receiving anything more from us in the way of assistance and aids to this Dutch disorder which we leave to the doctors for diagnosis and treatment because we really don't care.