Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Which Reminds Me

There was no reason to take anything Tim Cederblom said seriously. After all, anyone who knows them knows that they cannot resist any opportunity to pull someone's leg, however lame the occasion might be. Tim has in the past been heard to spin pathetically stupid yarns that anyone with half a brain can see through. Scandinavians of their type know of no other category of humor. In that sense they are much like the author of Lake Woebegone. The yarns of fiction intertwine with reality so closely that nobody really wants to spend that much time trying to figure out where they are. They believe their clever yarns are a way of keeping dogs like me out of the family circle. Which, if carried to logical extension, makes the Pentecostal church a purely Scandinavian affair of no concern to me. The extraneous persons of mostly English ancestry such as myself will be exiled from the Pentecostal church and instructed to seek refuge amongst the mainline denominations. I was told that I ought to consider Methodism although I am not sure why I would want to go there. Mainliners are very dry spiritually speaking from a Pentecostal point of view. But things will change. Change is unavoidable. I was told that in future generations persons from churches with infant baptism will have the advantage, reflecting the alliance of Episcopalian Catholics. Persons who believe in adult baptism will have fewer opportunities for public life and will occupy a substrata of society. How strange. I had thought the debate for adult baptism was fought centuries ago. And if we have a dedication ceremony for infants, does that qualify as infant baptism? And what about me? I was dedicated as an infant and yet was so naughty later at age three. Which proves that dedication was not enough? Perhaps the dedication was nullified by my bad behavior or else there really is something defective about my mental faculties. If everyone says so it must be true?