Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Barking Dogs
Why do I hear all this yapping and howling of slobbering dogs coming from the direction of Arthur Blissett and his putrid slime Garcia in-laws? Becky (Garcia?) was such a filthy slut so I imagine the rest of them are equally disgusting. She had two fat ugly slob brothers who I only met one time at a party and that was that. I never saw those fat ugly slob whiners again nor did I want to ever see them again in this lifetime. I cannot have such putrid acquaintances pretending to know anything about me and assuming themselves to have any voice at all in my life. The Garcia family is nothing but a huge whiney nuisance that somehow escaped removal. Sometimes ignoring these vile decadent whiners just doesn't work. They have no social intelligence to understand that they are being ignored and their bad behavior overlooked because it would be too rude of me to say what I really think about them and they wouldn't be able to handle the truth of their own putrid sliminess from my point of view. Thus I just ignore them and pretend that they are not there hoping that they will eventually get a clue and disappear and go away because I don't like them and I don't want them in my life. Get lost, Garcia! Get lost, Arthur!