Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Yes, I really should have complained to the authorities at the college about their forcing me to room with hideous Dolly. One would think that Max and Ophelia would be ashamed of themselves for trying to foist their hideous Dolly onto us unsuspecting college students. They probably knew that she had problems that merited reform school, not college. She really was a pathetically horrible and wicked person and I have better things to do than be bothered with any further thought of putrid Dolly and her Din of wickedness. She truly has no right to assume that anyone would ever be impressed by the obscenities spewing from her mouth. Shocked and horrifed? Yes. But impressed and in awe? Not really. Just didn't know what to do in such a bizarre and unprecedentedly wicked situation. That is about all there is to say about the Dolly Din of most ignoble and ill repute.