Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Interpretation Issues

I have a problem with these people who think that only Jewish people know everything and everybody else knows nothing. This is just wrong. For example, our high school classmate Alfredo Weitzenfeld might have become a brilliant scientist later but I doubt that he would be able to say much about me from high school as we never talked. I remember almost nothing specific about him except that there is the yearbook photo which shows him playing chess with some guys, maybe Jaime Sol, who was one of those science guys who always hung around together. So that is about all there is to say about Alfredo, just that he played chess a lot and hung around with the science club guys. I suspect that some other high school classmates would have a lot more to say about him but I really don't remember anything and I would expect the same admission from him that he actually doesn't remember much about me either, obviously. We were never enemies or anything like that. I just don't remember anything because off campus we had very different lives that never connected.