Thursday, December 6, 2012

How Nice

All of these people sound so nice when they tell me they feel sorry for me and how could those people do that to me. They say tell me that I should sue my enemies and do something about this. Yes, words are cheap. So easy for them to tell me that I should sue. And how would I do that? I have no legal standing that I know of. Who would represent me? What would be the cause of action? It makes no sense to me. I only remember Sue speaking of Joni's lack of faith. I did not say anything at the time nor did I necessarily disagree with Sue on that point. So how is it possible that I have faithless Joni yapping in my face, as if I would have some interest in her dreary life and marriage to Ken Tada? I am not disabled in that sense of the word. The story of Joni might be of some comfort to Dawn Saword who suffers from multiple sclerosis or so I heard. But I am not disabled in that sense. I have no reason to just drop dead just because this obnoxious Canadian former classmate is out there married to some creep and has six children or so I heard. We never had much contact with those Canadians anyway. I only know anything about Dawn because of something Susie said. Susie apparently went to Vancouver and visited them there. We were in the little school with them for a short time but that was a long time ago. They are probably not going to be part of our lives going forward now that they have returned to Canada permanently. There is no reason to enforce this obnoxious Canadian "better"-ness by making all the rest of us sample her disability by simulation just because she sat behind me in eighth grade. Sorry but this pagan practice of trying to make me the mystery burning "bull" is just wrong in my opinion. You really can ruin my life with your lies but that does not mean you will get a prize later just for being wired directly to hell.

And how many times do I have to remind everyone that it was Joan Calabrese who wanted to be an FBI agent. I only know this because I sat directly behind Joan in tenth grade English class, an alphabetical thing, and I heard her saying something about this to Miss Marken, not because I ever had any real conversations with Joan. We never talked. Thus there is no reason for all these people to be concerned about my ever applying at the "agency." Obviously, my career path would not lead there.

Obviously, my intelligence does not extend to an ability to decipher the Heathcliff and Catherine coding so I would be of no use to them anyway. Someone was ranting about "Wuthering Heights." I did read this book during high school but found it somewhat dreary. Heathcliff's low position in life made it impossible for him to think of winning the hand of Catherine. Ok. So? Charlotte Bronte's book is all fiction anyway, all just her thinking imposed on fictional characters.

Charlotte Hawe's book, in contrast, is mostly true. She might have some quirky wording in there but overall it is probably a fairly accurate account of things that happened as viewed from Charlotte's perspective as missionary teacher. It is a very interesting book, actually.

I do not have any personal experience of significance to write about so obviously I would not be able to replicate Charlotte Hawe's success in writing about "New Thrills." Nor would I know anything about the "Thriller" connections to this complicated mess that was dumped on me by those wicked witches. I don't remember high school very much anyway. It was just four long years of misery and I never wanted to do that again.