Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Presbyterians vs. Methodists

Those Presbyterians are pretty smug and complacent in their thought of having swallowed up and conquered the Methodists, looking sort of like the cat that swallowed the canary, as if I ever thought of myself as either Methodist or Presbyterian. I have no idea where this nonsense comes from, as if the Presbyterian Elect is the only American way of doing things while the Methodists, with their Anglican roots and episcopal structure, are turned over to British governance in order to ramp up some sort of sham conflict between these manufactured factions. That was not the deal when the Assemblies of God Pentecostal denomination was originally formed. People from all sorts of denominational backgrounds came together to be represented in a denomination whose structure, as it turns out, is sort of a hybrid. There are presbyters but are they really elected by the people? Well, if they are former pastors then they were originally elected by a congregation because the individual churches have a sort of congregational structure, so in a way, sort of. And is the "President" elected by the people of the Assemblies of God? Not exactly. He is elected by the ministers who alone have the ability to vote in those elections. I as an individual church attender have nothing to say about headquarters even though I might read about things in the Evangel magazine and also overhear things discussed by my parents. My Dad is a minister so, anyway, he might be able to vote on some of that headquarters stuff but I don't. So this internal conflict is not something that I would know very much about and does not involve me in any way. Someone said something about a conflict between the Presbyterians and Methodists but I really would not be able to identify the nature of the conflict or the persons involved in it or why these morons think they can split the United States along Methodist vs. Presbyterian lines and get away with this. There is the theological theme of election and foreordination but that is a whole different story.