Thursday, December 13, 2012

Which reminds me

I vaguely recall that Yasushi Takeda gave a very clear explanation from the Japanese point of view of the United States and the events of World War II, especially the nuclear blasts. I suppose that the blonds over in dummies class missed that presentation. Persons who missed it also would include all those Japan MKs, especially Cori and also Chuck Smith and family. Obviously, we don't need to get it from them having already heard the story straight from the mouth of Japan's Yasushi. The best way to get it would be to move to Japan yourself and live in Japanese shoes or sandals and feel the earth shaking. We didn't ask you to do that but if you did, well, here is hoping you lived through all that fallout with your hair falling out of your head and all those other health impairments caused by radiation. For me, personally, just hearing the story is enough for me to believe the truth that nuclear power is out there and the world is a very dangerous place. I don't need to experience it for myself to know that it is real.