Saturday, March 26, 2011


For those who do not know, Barbara was that single lady missionary who came to El Salvador during the 1970s and was there for several months. While she was there she and that other lady who lived with her parked their trailer over on the other side of the tabernacle not far from the football field on land owned by the AG. Although they did spend some time traveling around ministering at churches there the missionary fellowship did not invite them to officially join their ranks. I only saw them maybe once when my mother and I drove over there to drop something off and they poked their heads out of the trailer. That is all I know about them. I only know what my mother said, that the parents at the school did not want them to teach their children, not that they were planning to teach there anyway. I am not so sure about that. I only know that they were later in Venezuela and other parts of Latin America and things did not go well for them in other places also, perhaps even worse in South America, but I don't know anything about that. Even if you asked me I could not explain it because no one has ever clearly explained what their problem was with Barbara. They just didn't like her I guess. Sometimes that happens. Nobody liked Barbara for some reason. I don't know why.