Sunday, March 27, 2011

Laurie Way

Yes, I remember that during my first or second year at SCC some girls were driving on Sunday mornings to church at Dana Point Calvary Chapel. It was a beautiful drive, passing along beautiful morning scenery of ocean waves lapping on the coast of Laguna Beach, so maybe for that reason it seemed worth the long drive even though Calvary Chapel services were so boring, so dead, so spiritless. It is like a church of the "frozen chosen" to borrow that phrase from Mario Murillo. You walk in the door and they hand you a menu as if church were a restaurant. Already written out is everything that you are going to do, sit, stand, sing, pray, etc. There was no spontaneous "serendipity" when it comes to Calvary Chapel services. Among those who were doing the Dana Point drive was Laurie Way. Maybe that is how she came to invite me to spend Easter Week with her up in San Jose. I did have a very nice time. We also spent a couple of days at Yosemite with some other people and I met that guy who made a mockery of Disneyland, and it's not like he did not have a point. Also I remember borrowing a book and spent some time reading L'Abri, Edith Schaeffer's book about that place in Switzerland. Interesting read but doubt that I could ever afford to go there, and anyway I am not the kind of haughty rich intellectual they are targeting. I already know Christ so I don't need that. I remember overhearing Laurie talking to her mother about the hypocrisy of some people at SCC, and it is not like she did not have a point. There is plenty of hypocrisy on pretty much any Christian college campus and perhaps the ratio was higher than average at ours especially if you lend too much importance to some wealthy creeps who don't really have their acts together but drive fancy cars as for example Ken Bertwell. Through the years I seem to have lost touch with Laurie. All I know is she married Al Moore and was homeschooling her six kids. But it is easy for these rich people like Laurie Way to succeed in life. They have all the advantages and MKs like me just never get a break so after a while it just seems hypocritical to even try to pretend to be friends with them when, after all, we cannot reciprocate in kind. They have all the money and if I tried to remain friends with them I would feel like a charity case. Better to just find my own way, thanks anyway.