Friday, March 18, 2011

Onward Christian Soldiers

Yes, I well remember how at MK school, at night after the school program, while the parents were still inside the radio station building chatting and maybe talking about school business, we children would be outside in the parking lot talking and playing. Sometimes we would line up across the driveway between the Bible Institute and the mission house and march down the entire length of the driveway while singing "Onward Christian Soldiers" and other songs similar to that, as if we were an army campaigning. I am not sure why we did that. I seem to remember it might have been Susie and Sammy's idea. It was something that had already been done before our arrival but I did not have a problem with that. After all, it is better to be singing Christian songs than to be making mischief, I would imagine. I do not know why anyone would complain about that. If that song is controversial to some people, well, yes, there are those people who can make a mountain out of pretty much any little molehill. Nevertheless, I still like the song.