Saturday, March 19, 2011

Party Politics

Now isn't that weird? Why would anyone care about my party affiliations? Who would imagine that someone at work was eavesdropping on my private conversations on the telephone anyway? Obviously, lots of people are all over the place on politics. Just look at Henry Catto, a prominent Republican, whose wife Jessica and daughter Heather, who was in 9th grade with us in El Salvador, are apparently both prominent Democrats. So obviously if people in their family can be on both sides of the fence, it matters not to anyone whether I am a D or an R. I fail to see the point of these inquiries. We have lots of Republicans in our family, just look at Aunt Julia's activities with the Republican woman's club as noted in great-grandmother's diary, but there might be some Democrats, too. I am not sure who they are, although Aunt Cindy definitely voted for Obama, but they are not listed in the diary by political affiliation. Anyway we probably have some of everything. It should not matter to you, anyway. It is not something to discuss with a complete stranger.