Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Yes, if we were all such spiritual missionary families why didn't we all just stand around and pray for Aubrey Lampp to be brought back from the dead? I don't know. Anything is possible with the prayer of faith believing. But for some reason I do not remember whether anyone stopped to pray for Aubrey. It was all just a matter of CPR or mouth-to-mouth resucitation as far as I can recall. But sometimes people have been raised from the dead by prayer. Just think of Lazarus in the New Testament and also that boy and his mother. Other missionaries of the past have prayed for the dead to rise as a sign to unbelievers. Sure, it could have happened that way but didn't. Perhaps the super-spiritual missionaries of Panama could have done better. They would have just prayed and all would have been made right because they are so ministry oriented. But we perhaps cannot hold a candle to that. Anyway, it wasn't supposed to happen that way. The Lampps were supposed to outshine us but they didn't have a chance to do very much. Still, the Florida district is in charge of the roasting of us and so who can fight with that? Not I.