Thursday, March 31, 2011


Yes, it goes all the way back to ninth grade in Miss Fran Marken's honors English class when Lance Starin gave his report on Greek mythology. He talked about the various trysts of the Greek gods and godesses, Jupiter and all those guys, and hypothesized that these mythological tales were the precursors to the story of Jesus and his birth of the Virgin Mary. Lance went on to hypothesize that the truth was probably something like Mary had gotten in trouble, been raped or also just been fooling around with her boyfriend, and the parents, in order to cover up the truth, had concocted some farce about her being a virgin when the "angel" appeared to her, rip snort, chuckle chuckle. So that is the type of anti-Christian garbage being thrown around by that particular clique of American losers at high school. It was very shocking to me to hear him say that. I cannot be associated with that. Obviously Lance is a complete pagan and not someone to talk to even if he was sort of way cool and plays guitar, at least in my opinion. After all, if you cannot believe in the Virgin birth then Christianity doesn't mean very much, now does it? If Jesus was just another guy, just another teacher on the high school staff, then Christianity is only one of several competing philosophies all flowing around the ying and yang of things, the endless struggle between darkness and light. So why don't you just move to Babylon and become a Zoroastrian? Lots of pagans are good people, too. But it is not about whether we are good or not. It is about Jesus and who he said he was. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by me."