Monday, March 28, 2011


pAubrey Lampp was a missionary who died very young, after only about a year in El Salvador, during a missionary outing at the beach. I remember it well. We were all there at the beach and using pillow cases inflated to ride the waves. The pillow case thing was my Dad's idea. Aubrey was caught in an undertow and died. They pulled him out of the water and tried to resucitate him but it was too late. He was dead and starting to turn blue. I remember being called on to carry water to them walking on the burning sand. I felt guilty for complaining about the hot sand burning my feet, Henry heard me say it, but it didn't matter. His body was taken to a hospital in nearby Ahuachapán but it was no use. This all happened the summer before my senior year of high school. After Aubrey died his widow Fran Lamp and their two daughters continued to live in the mission house for another year or two until they returned to the U.S. Fran's sister Shirley and her husband Henry Kinsey had come from the U.S. and they ended up staying there and adopting children and still live there to this day I think operating a school or something. They are from Panama City, Florida. We seem to have lost touch with them. We don't really know what they are up to now. When we first moved to Florida we stopped in Panama City to visit but we have not seen them since. We heard that Fran remarried once or twice but we don't know anything that is not already on the grapevine in that regard. Just dial the grapevine and they will tell you all about it, all about how Henry continues to despise us and punish us for that. Anyway, I remember mentioning this to someone at high school in the fall. And how was your summer? Well....