Friday, March 11, 2011


Yes, who was that nasty witch Elizabeth, the Presbyterian, who was brought in to be supervisor instead of me? I could not stand taking orders from that haughty, arrogant person. Fortunately I was able to submit my resignation shortly after that because, well, it was time for me to leave and one cannot expect me to spend the rest of my life taking orders from her. I have better things to do with my life than to take orders from Elizabeth. Better to find my own life somewhere else on the planet far away from Elizabeth than to continue in that miserable state of servitude and slavery to her. I am not saying that she was a bad person, and it was not necessarily her fault that I strongly dislike her, but I truly believe that I had every right to leave that place far behind me, that it was high time that I moved along professionally and improved my skills in order to advance beyond anything that Elizabeth's tiny little brain could ever comprehend, and so I returned to school and doubt that I will ever get back there again to stay because, well, that would be a step down for me.