Saturday, March 12, 2011

Mr. Limbo Land

There is no reason whatever to give another thought to Mr. Limbo Land. Does he have no faith? Does he not believe that God works all things together for good to those who are called according to His purpose? Does Mr. Limbo Land never read his Bible and pray? Obviously not, for if he ever did he would see that perhaps now is not the time. He must wait wait wait. Or he can sell sell sell. Those are his options, wait for never-never land or sell to the next poor loser down the street. Obviously this situation is not going to do much for land values but, really, what do you expect out there on the margins of social acceptability, always dreaming about pie in the sky. Were you expecting to get rich quick? Ha ha ha! No, it does not work that way. We all may be moldering in our graves long before this war even gets started.
There are no guarantees in this life. So why spend so much time making everyone else miserable? Have you nothing constructive to say? The more you toot your own horn, the more difficult you make it for all concerned. How can you expect me to vote your way when you have got everything working against me? It just doesn't make any sense.