Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Diary Tidbits-July 1980

July 1: "Ralph and Esther and Cynthia and family had dinner in the patio. After dinner Ralph and I played dominoes. Cynthia and family left early to get children to bed. It’s now 10."
July 3: "After supper we went to the church to a patriotic service. It was very nice and interesting. Most of the people ate and drank after the service but I did not so I am having a bit of warm milk before going to bed."
July 4: "A nap after lunch, then we went down to Suzanne’s for late afternoon and evening. Audrey, George, Tina came, also Joe and Darlene. We had nice time together. Tina and I had one game transograms and later Darlene and I played dominoes."
July 6: "Late afternoon came the Butterfields and Ralph was with them. His ship is now in San Diego….It was nice seeing Butterfields again.
July 8: "Supper. Went hunting for school to learn English, found it is closed for the summer. Now I’ll read. Watch TV. Felt quite good today."
July 9: "Usual reading this time about Noah and the flood. Prepared mail. Had walk to lagoon. Worked until lunch and after lunch until 2. Nap. Work until supper. Had trouble losing my needle. Am getting on with Elizabeth’s pillow top."
July 10: "Prepare to go to women’s ministries. President did not come today. After lunch went Esther’s, then for nap. When I awoke the women were all gone shopping. I worked on pillow top and the piece for church. The women came back around 5. Esther took us for ride to get food."
July 11: "At lunchtime came Harold and Mable Stewart from Upland, Harold a second cousin. They left about 3:30. Ralph and Esther and Ralph’s father came for dinner. After dinner Ralph took his dad home, then came back."
July 12: "At 12:15 I finished the third of three books Patty gave me for Christmas. Esther came in for lunch."
July 13: "Ralph and Esther came by and took me to church and after church to their home. Was there until 8 PM when Gloria phoned she is home….. Julia went to San Diego to Suzie.
July 15: "Nap till 3, then a trip to the doctor. He sent me to another office for them to take a blood sample. Home about 5."
July 17: "Work on a puzzle and read until Julia said we would go to Fedmart. Went long way round to Fedmart. They were there for a half hour. Call at Best Store and came home about 9:15."
July 18: "About 9:45 went to hearing center and had my ear tested and made arrangements to try out a new aid….Had a nap and worked some more, then lost my needle and had to quit. After supper Gloria took me for a walk just before dark. Worked on a puzzle and read a lot. During the evening after dark Gloria saw my lost needle shining by lamp light. I am so glad for I had not another like it. Now it is bedtime."
July 21: "Julia left about 1 o’clock to visit friend in …, said she would be back Wednesday. Had my walk to lagoon at 10."
July 22: "Esther called and invited us to dinner. Ralph came for us around 5, went to grocery on way home in roundabout way. Had Amy with him, Aaron at the house, parents in Santa Barbara. Had a nice dinner and Esther brot us home after 8. She came in and visited a while, then left."
July 23: "Esther or Ralph came for me about 10:30. Then Esther and Gloria went away together and I went with Ralph, Amy and Aaron along. We went to Vista and around over the country the long way around and Esther went and Gloria to San Marcos and to Del Mar area."
July 25: "We had supper and then all went to the plaza, arriving at 7….Susie was supposed to come go with us but had other things to do and may come next week."
July 26: "Worked an hour in the patio. It is so nice out there in late afternoon and the chair is comfortable."
July 29: "Working a few minutes, then off to lunch in restaurant and finish it at home….After supper reading and watching TV. Several upsets but everything turned out fine. Now it is bedtime."
July 30: "Hearing aid man here with me to try. It was no better….. Ralph and Esther for supper after which Ralph took Julia and I to Fedmart. Esther working on a red striped dress. After we got home I read even paper and a chapter in Testament. They left for home at 10 so now I am going to bed.
July 31: "Had opportunity to go to Anita’s but refused because I do not want to miss the Thursday women’s meeting at the church."