Saturday, June 30, 2012

Embarrassing Relatives

Yes, it is embarrassing to have such dippity dumb relatives, especially when they are my own grandparents on my mother's side. They sold the property with mineral rights and all back in the 1940s and then later, in the 1950s, it was found that they had not sold the mineral rights. They were sued and lost and an arrangement was made of which I understand very little, just that it is embarrassing for us to think about that because it was so dumb and we would prefer to forget that it ever happened. They should have practiced what they preached, but sometimes these adults forget what they are talking about from one day to the next. It gets very annoying. Also, the arrangement applies only to one of the properties, not to the other one, so the creepy Sultan of Central Texas is not going to gain anything from this ill-aimed fishing expedition except to solidify the suspicion that we are being deliberately harassed by him and his evil associates. So thanks for the additional evidence of harassment.