Monday, June 18, 2012

Pam's Wicked Lies

Which reminds me that Pam Roberts also admitted telling lies about me. Well, life is short. I don't have time to argue with Pam about some minor details of an entirely insignificant conversation that I remember only through a fog dimly. It is shocking what comes out of people's mouths sometimes, but anyway I don't see why I should have to prove to Pam who said what. Pam's opinion matters not at all to me or to anyone else. Pam is nothing, just a wicked witch as far as I can tell. I cannot spend all my time fixated on Pam's silly mistakes. It wouldn't matter so much if all these people wouldn't take all of Pam's lies so seriously. It just gets overwhelming when everyone else is wrong and I'm the only person who knows the truth and everyone is refusing to give me any credit for having any intelligence. I can't be expected to right all wrongs so it gets utterly ridiculous. Those people know what they said and they should be paying for their own mistakes instead of making some worthless points about Marxist socialism, as if we don't know what that means.