Sunday, June 17, 2012

The Sad Case of Alan Skogerbo

We do feel sorry for Scandinavian idiot Alan Skogerbo (MK-Peru?) but he was responsible for making his own mess and we see no reason to get involved in his pathetically sad problem or in furthering his futile protests of much ado. He knows full well that there is nothing wrong with getting married, that nature makes plain how things were meant to be, and that anyway no one was forcing him to get married or to choose a Costa Rican wife in preference to a woman of some other race or nationality. The rules of being an AG minister and missionary are what they are and he knew that. It was his decision to make, whether to marry or not to marry. That is the way God made things, and it is the man who decides to marry, chooses his wife, and anyway no children would be born if he did not will it so. Women are created to be the helpmate of the man in all these things, as per the Bible. These things are so obvious that it is not necessary for me to explain this. So if Alan dropped out of the human race, well, that was his choice.